Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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By M. B. Smith, Co. C, Second Texas Volunteer Infantry.
Just listen awhile, and give ear to my song-Concerning this war, which will not take me long-; Old Lincoln, the blower, swore the Rebels he'd whip, But thanks to my stars, he has not done it yet, For it's hard times.
Manassa 's the spot, if I recollect right, Where Yankees and Southerners had their first fight; "We whipped them so badly, our boys thought it fun, And ever since then they have called it Bull Run, Those were grand times.
Old Lincoln had put in his very best man— It was old General Scott who led in his clan— But in facing Jeff Davis he couldn't shine, For we captured his cakes, his brandies and wine, Then we'd fine times.
Old Abe and the "Gen'ral" soon got at "out," Which caused the "Old Gen'ral "to complain of gout; So he told Marse Abe that he would resign, And he laid all the blame to the very hard times, O, it was hard times.
McClellan was the next man put in the field, With brass-hilted sword and a sole-leather shield;